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Beyond Climate: The EU Green Taxonomy Consultation


As society faces major threats beyond climate change, which include biodiversity loss, water scarcity and pollution among others, the EU Commission is seeking to clarify for the benefit of investors, policymakers and wider stakeholders, which economic activities are environmentally sustainable. To achieve this objective, the Commission established an advisory body of experts, the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance, to advise the EU on several tasks and topics related to further developing the EU taxonomy and support the Commission in the technical preparation of delegated acts.

The Platform is inviting stakeholders from around Europe to respond to its consultation on the first draft of the technical criteria which define which economic activities are sustainable, in particular with respect to achieving sustainability across four environmental objectives: biodiversity, water, pollution and achieving a circular economy. To find out more about the consultation, we are delighted to welcome the Co-Rapporteur of the EU Platform Technical Working Group, Prof. Marzia Traverso, who will talk about the latest developments on the Taxonomy front.


3pm - 3.05pm CET: Welcome Remarks - Linda Zeilina, CEO, ISFC
3.05 - 3.40pm CET: Presentation - Prof. Marzia Traverso, Rapporteur of the Technical Working Group of the European Commission’s Platform on Sustainable Finance & Full Professor at the Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering in RWTH Aachen
3.40pm CET - 4pm: Q&A with Prof Traverso and Dr. Theodor Cojoianu, Assistant Professor in Finance, Queen's University Belfast, Member of EU Platform on Sustainable Finance & Co-founder RoSIF.


This event is a webinar and will be held on Zoom. If you would like to attend, please register here.

9 September

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