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European Responsible Investment Network (ERIN) & ISFC event

An event supported by The British Embassy in Prague

Special event for Czech (and other Central European) and British non-governmental sector organisations (NGOs, think tanks, university departments etc.) to learn about improving communications and messaging for better efficiency in debates about post-COVID-19 recovery, followed by a discussion about just transition.

Morning session
09:00 – 9:40
Laura Shields: Essential tips and hints for crafting media messaging

As one of the most knowledgeable and experienced communications experts, Laura will go through the key tips for good media messaging; how to ensure that the message is impactful and gets picked up by the media.

9:40 – 10:40
Jon Worth: Key elements for good communications during COVID-19 era & beyond - use of social media

Jon, a co-author of a recently published book on how to successfully engage with EU institutions, will share his insights from over a decade of communications advisory work for a range of sectors.

10:40 – 11:10
Networking break
The screen will feature short biographies and social media accounts & links for participating professionals & their organisations. 

Afternoon session

Post-COVID19 recovery: essentials for building back better?
A short brainstorming discussion about what non-governmental sector organisations can improve on when it comes to communications, collaboration and tactics
(5min intro remarks by 2-3 speakers followed by open debate)

COVID19 crisis has heated up the debate about sustainability and resilience. Civil society and research organisations have a major role in informing society, government and the private sector to help countries improve their decision-making and policies. What should organisations focus on and prioritise? Where can they add value? What are the greatest challenges in Central Europe vs the UK? What has worked well when it comes to messaging and outreach, and what has not? What can we learn from each other and how can we work together more effectively and towards greater impact to build back better and in the run up to COP26? What channels for information and knowledge sharing would help or be more effective?

2:20– 12:40
Special ERIN & ISFC session
Short 10min introductory presentation: European Responsible Investment Network (ERIN)
Succinct 10min presentation: ISFC’s knowledge and networking hub

12:40 - 13:00
Networking break

13:00 – 14:15
Just Transitions: are we missing a trick? A short interactive discussion to showcase organisations’ work and plans tackling main questions surrounding just transitions
(5min intro remarks by 2-3 speakers followed by open debate)

A discussion about the private sector needs that would enable it to pursue just transition(s) in Czechia and beyond. What are the main financial mechanisms that would enable better outcomes or solutions?  Lessons from the UK about fostering dialogue and private sector engagement; best practices. What could be done better when it comes to private sector engagement?

22 November

Coming soon