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Striving for Climate Security in the Midst of Multiple Crises

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the Association for International Affairs (AMO) cordially invite you to a high-level public diplomacy event organised on the side of the informal CODEV/COHAFA meeting and EU Climate Ambassadors Network meeting in Prague.

While the international community has recently focused on immediate crises, including the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the climate emergency looms on the horizon, and its impacts can already be felt across the globe. Learning to tackle multiple crises simultaneously is an existential task. The conference will provide a forum for the identification of the cascading impacts of climate change and exploration of ideas on how to best tackle them, as well as for an open discussion on potential avenues for EU climate diplomacy in the current geopolitical context.

Venue: Great Hall, Czernin Palace, Loretánské nám. 5, Prague 1

Language: English

Registration and attendance is by invitation only.

14 September

Global Infrastructure & Energy Dialogue - #GID22

22 September

Green bonds & the sustainable bond market - EUI special course