Venue: Kulturhuset
9:00 – 10:30 Morning session: GREEN BONDS in focus Format Presentation and open discussion
Objective: Presentation of research/experience regarding Green Bonds and discussion about recent developments with EU Green Bond standard and the rise of interest in green debt. A discussion led by Cicero Shades of Green expert(s), with a focus on the latest work at the organisation and developments in the Green Bond space. Sharing of insights from ISFC’s and other organisations’ experiences when working on green bonds for municipalities and business in Central Europe.
Exploring of the particularities of green bonds in different contexts, and how this is applicable in Norway (or the Nordics) in comparison with Central Europe?
What has helped or prevented the growth of green bond issuance?
How to avoid greenwashing, while encouraging transition to more green business models?
CICERO: Presentation of “Shades of Green”, best practices and comparison between the Nordics and CEE
ISFC: Sharing their experience on working on green bonds for municipalities and business in Central Europe.
David Nemecek, ISFC
10:30 – 11:00 Networking break with coffee
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch session: Norwegian SWF and international development Format:
Informal Expert Discussion
Objective: Debate about the Norwegian SFW and the role of institutional investors in climate mitigation and international development. A session focusing on the latest developments related to the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, and how to mitigate its risk exposure while ensuring that the fund’s investments support a green transition and development. Discussion about the role of Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, its mandate, and its potential to use investing to play a role in international development.
Institutional investors - how can they act on climate?
What is Norway’s role in international development, and how can its impact on development be improved?
What are the main obstacles to the Fund’s transition to more investment in developing countries and more “green” opportunities?
What tactics have been successful in influencing the Fund?
Linda Zeilina, ISFC
14:00 – 15:30 Break
15:30/16:00 – 17:00 Late afternoon session Energy:
Oil and gas vs renewables
Format: Informal Discussion
Objective: A debate on the latest work focused on phasing out oil and gas, and how to ensure just transitions to renewable energy and low carbon economic growth.
How can we transition out of oil and gas while ensuring a just transition?
How do we upscale renewable energy investment and increase the money flows to renewable energy projects?
What have been the most successful approaches and strategies, and key elements for success?
Renewable energy – what changes and developments to expect this decade?
The EU taxonomy – a game changer?
Michal Hetmanski, Instrat Foundation
17:30 – 20:00 Networking evening with inspirational opening/welcome remarks:
focus on the “greatest challenge of our time”
Venue: Gamle Museet
Sustainable Finance: ESG as a PR tool or the start of a paradigm shift?
Format: Networking session with opening remarks (40min). An informal session with welcome and thought-provoking/ inspirational remarks to kick off the event.
Conversations about private and professional responsibility to tackle climate change and its issues; the role of organisations and “climate allies”.
Sharing stories of success, positive change, and hope.