Venue: CICERO building
09:00 – 10:30 Morning session: Sustainable finance in Europe Format:
Collective presentations and informal discussion
Objective: A session focused on the latest developments in sustainable finance in Europe, and how to make sense of the EU regulations; whether global alignment is to be expected in this decade.
A session looking at the latest developments in Europe and the EU: EU taxonomy, SFRD, Race to Zero, COP26, Paris Alignment.
Making sense of the sustainable finance regulation landscape and using the latest developments for maximum positive impact.
What is missing or could be helpful for organisations to focus on and where to find the expertise or support for it?
Claire Godet, ISFC
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch session: CLIMATE POLICY in focus Format: Panel discussion
Objective: Discussion about climate policy and what the need for just transitions will mean for future political agendas. Debate also about the obstacles to change, and how to overcome these in different political contexts.
Focus on what key elements or principles need to be embedded in policy to make a green transition feasible and socially just, and for it to face less societal opposition.
Lessons from different countries about approaches to designing, implementing, and communicating green policies
Dóra Csernus, Klimapolitika
16:00 – 17:30 Afternoon session: Sustainability in business and investing - making sense of the “aggregate confusion”
Format: Panel Discussion
Objective: A session for an in-depth discussion about what is changing in business and investing due to the rise of sustainability focus.
Discussion about ESG ratings and data – is ESG investing only about good PR and marketing?
Sharing of the latest developments and approaches to ESG investing by the world’s largest investors and what it means for business.
Insights from the latest research on ESG criteria and important developments to keep an eye on, and how to create competitive advantage in a busy and noisy field.
Julian Tóth, ISFC