Just Transition – How to Ensure NGOs and small municipalities Can Access the Just Transition Fund
According to the European Council the JTF should help address the social, employment, economic and environmental impacts of the transition towards the Union’s 2030 targets and 2050 climate-neutrality. The primary focus should be productive investments in SMEs, including microenterprises and start-ups, leading to economic diversification, modernisation and reconversion. SMEs, NGOs and small municipalities play a key role in diversification and transformation of the economies in coal regions. How much information do they have about the JTF and how prepared are they to use it?
Aims of the Event
ISFC is running a project to assess how well-informed NGOs and small municipalities are about the JTF and how well prepared they are to use it and then propose solutions to fill the information gaps and the readiness gaps. The event will be in the form of an interactive discussion with potential applicants to the JTF on how to improve the flow of information and what technical assistance or support would help them to participate in the Just Transition. Outputs of the event will contribute to the creation of new tools to improve their financial literacy in the use of EU and private funding.
The event is being held in cooperation with and at the Innovation Centre of Ústi nad Labem.
Inovační centrum Ústeckého kraje, z. s.
Velká hradební 2800/54
400 01 Ústí nad Labem