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Post-COVID EU Tax Governance

A unified approach for reforming the tax system. What will shape the post-COVID-19 recovery policies?

This webinar will reflect on the current tax governance system topics under discussion at the EU level, such as the EU "Package for fair and simple taxation" which will form part of the post-COVID-19 response. Speakers will debate the sustainability of the existing tax systems, transparency and tax cooperation, public country-by-country reporting (pCbCR) legislation process and minimum effective tax rate (METR) proposal.

The aim of the panel is to inform policy-makers and experts in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region about the current policy debates on tax reforms in the EU and globally, and to evaluate implications of new proposals.


Speakers and their topics

  1. Danuše Nerudová - Director of Mendel University Brno, researcher in Horizon 2020 Fair Tax, future Czech president candidate) - Sustainability of EU members' national tax systems

  2. Vilém Tanzer - (Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, Platform for Tax Good Governance) - Automatic exchange of information (AEOI), news from European Commission and OECD

  3. Mikuláš Peksa - European Parliament, Pirate's Party - Public country-by-country reporting - approval process, impact

  4. Miroslav Palanský - Charles University in Prague, Tax Justice Network - Minimum effective tax rate (METR) proposal.

    Moderator: Petr Procházka, Visiting Fellow, ISFC & PhD candidate, Prague University of Economics and Business

    Disclaimer: Opinions presented by the speakers are solely their own and not of the institutions that they represent.

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